Thursday, 3 March 2016

How I use essential oils daily - Part Two

Continued from How I Use Essential Oils Daily - Part One...

When you have three kids they are bound to get into trouble! Lavender applied to bug bites provides relief as well as a facecloth soaked in cold lavender water and placed on the area is calming. I have also started using CorrectX on the children's scraps and cuts over the pharmacy brands and it works at calming and healing.

For years I have been making my own multi purpose household cleaner from water and vinegar but most recently have started adding OnGuard - protective blend to it. The aromas of cloves, cinnamon orange and eucalyptus have powerful properties in killing harmful bacteria, mild and viruses. If someone in the family begins to feel sick, it's OnGuard onto the bottoms of the feet and into the diffuser. This blend is a must have in our house!

Clary Calm has a unique blend of essential oils in a convenient roller ball developed especially for women. It helps to soothe heightened emotions and also assists in balancing hormones. I apply to the wrists or abdomen as needed to balance mood and calm stress and tension.

After a long day I use peppermint and wild orange in the diffuser to make it until the end. The blend helps me focus energies on getting the dinner made and house tidy for the day. And it smells amazing!

I use Melaleuca oil or HD Clear blend on my face at night to protect my face against bacterial proliferation at night, HD Clear comes in a handy roller ball and can be applied directly to the face. I find if I choose melaleuca, one drop does the trick on blemishes.  HD Clear is also great for eczema!

Last but not least I have these in the house at all times, veggie caps and fractionated coconut oil. Veggie caps are perfect for taking the oils internally - Digestzen can be ingested for quick relief and on guard for immunity, but there are so many other oils that we can use veggie caps for.  The fractionated coconut oil helps oils go a lot further and by applying this along with a few drops of oil, not only do you use less, but it is recommended that you dilute oils when using topically if you have sensitive skin and for use on children and babies.

This is really only an example of how I use the oils daily, in fact, some days I use so many more!  I have experimented with the oils in yoga mat cleaning sprays, applying a drop onto a cottonball and putting it into the car vent for a safe and non toxic air freshener, and even using lemon oil to get a whiteboard spotless!

If you are interested in learning more about doTERRA products or buying some for yourself, don't hesitate to contact me. 

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